Photo: Jess Rodriguez
It’s October 15th, 2022 and the music has just started to surround the Garden Amp at GardenGrove, CA. Nothing Fest IV was starting to begin and the crowds were following the music. Following the crowd, I found myself at my first set of the day–– Mexican Slum Rats who moved up a stage following last year’s show. MSR played a couple of their classic songs like “Bad Girls Club” and “Away”, knowing that these songs will always have the crowd shouting and dancing.
During their set, the rain had started to slowly pour upon the concertgoers and band members but they continued to play. Just like their lyrics state, “and I know it could get much better,” it really did as soon as they played new music that introduced a new sound to their band. Nothing Fest’s 4th annual show was not expecting rain, but rain is what they got. But like they say in show business, the show must go on.
Photo: Jess Rodriguez
Up next on the lineup was Ulta Q who I automatically thought reassembled the sound of Green Day only to find out the lead singer is indeed the son of Billie Joe Armstrong. The voices and talent matched up, definitely worth the listen because the band is able to turn a regular crowd into THEIR crowd.
Photo: Jess Rodriguez
Mind’s Eye was a band that I didn’t expect to have the crowd suffocating each other in the pit by how intense their music was flowing through their veins. They made me an automatic fan simply by the immense joy in the crowd’s eyes when listening to their music. Fans after their set held up a lost pair of keys and the lead singer of the band responded with, “You’re losing your keys to Mind’s Eye??” That should clarify how shocking the members were that their music had such a great impact on the crowd.
Honorable mention to San Diego band Los Shadows who made a small room feel like it was filled with hundreds. They’re worth taking a drive down to SD just to watch them live, it’s an experience I recommend everyone to live.
Photo: Jess Rodriguez
Together Pangea is a classic band to crowd surf to and punch around in the pit. My heart was lost in their set and I am not asking for it back. Together Pangea is a friend of the Nothing Fest– and what can I say? California has the best alt bands.
Photo: Nadya Diaz
Having been soaked in rain all day, none of it mattered as soon as Beach Fossils played. Coming all the way from NYC, Beach Fossils plays music best listened to on a California beach or under the rain in Garden Grove, CA. Beach Fossil’s soothing music will forever connect to great memories with amazing crowds. One simply does not listen to Beach Fossils in a bad mood, it just isnt possible. Their set was the cherry on top for an amazing first day for Nothing Fest, besides the rain dampening us all; we can all agree it was worth it in the end.