Artwork by Stardest Designs.
Alt-rock hero Jules Is Dead is full of pleasant surprises, with each new release surpassing the last thanks to their relentless dedication to their craft. Their ability to capture vulnerable emotions and situations will get them far, and “Just 1 Thing (ft. Ezra)” is just the tip of the iceberg for this subject expert.
The song offers an impeccably even mix with standout, airtight guitar playing, profound lyricism, and passionate performances by both Jules and their peer, Ezra.
Collaborations from within (the same record label, in this case) are often what catapult creative peers into the limelight. Both collaborators deserve these accolades and will receive them in record time if they keep up their current momentum. This phenomenon was frequently observed in hip-hop and rap around the late '80s but migrated to the alt/emo scenes in the 2000s when friends making music together dominated rock charts. People want to support art that feels real.
The track features some of the best vocal performances to date by Jules and Ezra. A unique and potent contrast exists between the two vocalists that go together like peanut butter and jelly. Jules’ natural, expressive performance brought out the same energy in Ezra, who tends to skew towards more subtleties in his emotional evocation within his music. Trying on each others’ styles like a fresh new outfit allows these performers to delve into uncharted territory, perhaps uncovering hidden talents.
Thematically, “Just 1 Thing (ft. Ezra)” sits at the perfect center of relatability without veering into manufactured, pop chart-topper tactics. The use of repeated motifs and callbacks to symbolism solidifies Jules’ points while driving home the feelings they experienced in real life.
It is evident that Jules only writes about their natural, lived experiences; many songwriters use this tactic, but those who get it right like they already have are the ones whose names we remember for decades. This song belongs on the same record shelves as iconic teen-angst anthems by emo legends, like My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. Jules Is Dead has taken more than enough notes and is ready to pass all metaphorical songwriting exams with flying colors.