There’s poetry, yearning, and multiple meanings in the L.A.-based indie artist Jangus Kangus, also known as Jasmine Sankaran’s newest single, “Double Lives.” The track is far from ordinary though it coasts on a fluffy, bouncy cloud of pop confection upon the first listen. Then one goes back and gives it another “spin” so to speak, to listen, there is far more beneath the surface.
You can feel the emotional tension and ruminations about this guy, who is a “looker,” Jasmine Sankaran wants to be with him really badly. She believes she is so connected to him and he is the one. Jangus Kangus even goes so far to wonder if the “next guy” will measure up to her expectations. That’s even an interesting songwriting exercise into the “what ifs.” It’s unclear if this person is married, in another relationship, or a band on the road. But this is clear, they are not together regularly.
The engrossing, intriguing single includes her equally talented and versatile supporting band with Steph Anderson on keys/backing vocals), Antonio White on lead guitar/backing vocals, Dan Perdomo on drums and Ryan Kellis on bass. They give the arrangements more punch and dynamic textures.
Her singing is delicate and gentle, but the story behind the song grabs the listener’s attention and keeps them hooked as well; sonically, it’s irresistible.
Jangus Kangus (another weird, unfortunate band name) has been praised favorably compared to critical darling Courtney Barnett and Sharon Van Etten. Jasmine Sankaran is an emerging talent on the L.A. music scene with a unique, distinctive voice. Lovers of pop and good, strong songwriting should check out this single. She deserves to go national in a more significant way.
Jangus Kangus will be performing at the Echo on March 25th. This is one local show you won’t want to miss!
A new LP, ‘Fortune Cookie,’ comes out on April 11th.