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The alternative pop song starts with the lyrics, “the good, the bad, the undecided,” which ultimately will be my honest reaction to the song: is it good or will I be left undecided? Bulgarian Cartrader is a multi-instrumentalist who is slowly making his name through Europe and is pushing his newly released single “Narrow Band of Happiness” onto the US market. So what are my thoughts as an American music listener?

I personally have never heard any music coming from Bulgaria, so it's refreshing and new to discover an artist who similarly sounds like the music created in the US. The song is very clearly a pop song that can be heard during a pool party or beach day in the summer. It is a type of song that will have you doing some air guitars and air drums during the solos.

“Narrow Band of Happiness” is a song about life and happiness and about sharing enchiladas as a meal with someone special. One thing the song teaches its audience is to never let the one you love go.

Decide for yourself and take a listen!

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