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Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever wrapped up their first North American tour in ages at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. The band hadn’t hit the states since 2019 thanks to that nightmare of a global pandemic that the world is still reeling from. So much time has passed since their last visit to SoCal (which was at the Lodge Room in Highland park and ruled) the Rolling Blackouts fellas have released not one, but two new albums that us tortured LA fans had yet to experience live.

So now, the clouds parted, the visas cleared and RBCF made their way across the continent technically supporting two new records, 2020’s Sideways to New Italy and this year’s latest LP, Endless Rooms. Needless to say, the indie rock fiends inside the Teragram were anxious to get their groove on and the band was more than happy to oblige them.

The band opened with “An Air Conditioned Man” off 2018’s Hope Downs and the crowd began dancing, singing, and rocking out in near unison. We’re talking about two and half years’ worth of pent-up energy from a packed venue with hundreds of people inside. Luckily, RBCF is like a mechanized indie rock battalion onstage and was able to counter the audience’s energy in kind. With three guitarists doubling as triple vocalists and a buoyant rhythm section practically bouncing off the rafters, trying to keep tabs on everything taking place onstage while they’re playing can be a taxing, yet exhilarating exercise in itself.

New songs like “Blue Eyed Lake” and “The Way It Shatters” went over extremely well and it ruled finally hearing songs like “She’s There” from New Italy. The band wrapped things up with “French Press” off their breakthrough 2017 EP of the same name and left a ballroom full of air guitar enthusiasts extremely satisfied.