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The NYC-born/L.A.-based collective/band Monotronic brings something well thought out lyrically and intricately crafted regarding musicianship and arrangements to the music scene.

“Everything Moves” is an example of a single that gives the listener a memorable immediacy of something dynamic, punchy, and exciting that is always high energy but not a maniac.

Being “commercial” isn’t precisely a condescending label or description for a band, nor is it necessary or fair to complain or criticize them for a sound that isn’t raw or dirty. Monochronic work in the space of precision and technique; fortunately, it’s not at the expense of passion or urgency in the music.

In Monotronic’s bio, the guitarist/producer Ramsey Elkholy, the band's leader and primary songwriter, describes their “sound as a mix of indie and electronic music with strong world music influences.”

This track sounds all-American, and the lyrics reflect a restlessness that is in common in life, searching for meaning but a willingness to take chances or go with that internal/eternal flow and ambiguity to find comfort, solace, and peace that inhabits one’s existence on this plane/realm.

The creative video has high production values (looks like a reasonable budget or good ideas executed with little money but conceived talent to burn to make it look expensive) and is a feast for the eyes with an abstract storyline captured in black, white, and red. Images of playing cards filter in and out. A man runs in and out of each frame and even moves backward.

Monotronic richly deserves the accolades it is getting for its music. Time and effort have paid off. “Everything Moves” is a good single with mass appeal. They have been together since 2016. Monotronic has played several venues and appeared at festivals. The band also has a new album on ‘Waiting for You’ on February 28th.

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