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Credit: Marco Hernandez

Mystics and skeptics alike would love L.A. Witch. Their affinity for solid performances and heavy-hitting lyrics make for solid songs, like their newest effort, “777.” Whether you believe in Angel Numbers and their luck or not—the song rules.

A sturdy bassline overdrives through most of the track, simple yet effective. Somehow, they found the exact right guitar tone to go with it. It’s occasionally difficult to tell where one begins and ends, which is a blessing and a curse for the overall mix. Tight drums round everything out, thankfully not overpowering any other elements.

Haunting reverb-ed vocals guide the way, enchanting audiences with what appears to be a spell. Like most mystics, this spell also comes with a warning: “Don’t forget I, too, fight by your side, first in line, always ready to die.”

A visualizer accompanies the song on YouTube, where images make even more sense of very clear lyrics. The Three of Swords appears at one point, adding to the idea that fighting for what you believe in sometimes leads to heartbreak. It’s up to you to choose your battles!

This track modernizes classic sounds effortlessly, nonconforming, and fresh. L.A. Witch offers a unique blend of sounds, themes, and ideas, rendering “777” a lucky listen.

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