
Those of us entranced by music i.e. the tangible, analog, and wax-made kinds, have a new treehouse for the summer. Built and fortified at the penthouse level of Neuehouse Hollywood comes the nearly two-month auditory exploration residency of In Sheep’s Clothing (ISC).

ISC was once a highly visited and ultra-plush vinyl listening bar in downtown Los Angeles. Hidden within the confines of the now-closed Lupetti Pizzeria, ISC was much more of a sonic retreat than a quick stop in for a glass of firewater. With a sound system that could rival that of any audiophile with a Ph.D. in audio engineering, it was also the room, the space that lent itself to the patron.

Now, over a pandemic later, In Sheep’s Clothing has returned to give Los Angeles the auditory pleasures L.A. so desperately needs. This time ISC has moved into the opulent Neuehouse building in Hollywood and has spared no expense.

Earlier this month (July 2nd to be exact), Get Some Magazine was thankful enough to attend one of the many upcoming events with a shier sense of joy in our souls. Upon arrival at Neuehouse, a sign displaying “ISC” guides you to the commanding front desk to check in. You’re then ushered up to the 5th floor via vintage elevators from the 1950s. Once the elevator doors open and you make your way up a staircase, you’re greeted by an ISC employee and gently told about the evening’s events. To the right of the greeter is an open door that takes you out to a stunning panoramic view of the city. Cozy chairs, a quaint bar, heat lamps for the weak, and a projector playing what seemed to be a vintage film all gave clues as to how the main event would go.

Returning to the 5th-floor foyer, there was a countdown clock on the wall that read 00:03:22. The remaining time meant the next listening session was about to end and the next one about to begin. As the countdown clock read 00:00:00, people were lined up eagerly awaiting the go-ahead to enter the main event.

Upon walking into the main room, the stars of the evening were displayed in a bath of lowlight, front and center. Now, these aren’t your average stars, hell, they’re not even human. They’re all electronic puzzle pieces that build the main component of ISC’s sound system. Starting with Graham LS5/8 speakers, EAR 509 mono tube amps, EAR 912 linestage and phono preamplifier, the top-tier hi-fidelity sound system was capped off with a Garrard 301 turntable w/ vinylista plinth and a Thomas Schick tonearm, headshell & cartridge. Wow. The sheer price for all of these components combined is equivalent to the price of a Lamborghini. Vroom vroom.

As people began to take their seats in comfy chairs and deep-cushioned couches, a DJ made an announcement that this evening was meant for pure auditory exploration. He noted that even if you were unfamiliar with the artist being played on the record player to at least give the music a chance. Sitting back, relaxing. sipping on a cocktail, and closing your eyes was insisted.

During this particular session, the album ‘For A Reason’ was the DJ’s selection. Combining post-punk and dub (which were the genre themes for the evening’s selections), the album by the English duo Lifetones is often considered one of the greatest dub albums of the 1980s. As the needle dropped on the wax, a sense of calm coated the room. Patrons that once looked like they fit a certain music clique became susceptible to new tones, new arrangements, and a new artist that they would have otherwise not listened to - it was incredible to witness.

The main goal of any musician is to create music that infuses into the listener’s pores. Combining one of the best sound systems around along with an environment that extrudes comfort, relaxation, and a bit of Hollywood’s glamourous past, In Sheep’s clothing has gone above and beyond returning to the auditory limelight in Los Angeles. And remember, “to hear more, say less.”

For a full list of upcoming events at In Sheep’s Clothing, click HERE!


