Honeysucker offers a musical soundscape of indie, pop, new wave, and light jazz on “New Dust.” This addictive single is a seductive listening pleasure both sonically and lyrically. Frenetic energy and hedonism abound over a period that happens over one night and goes very wrongly awry.
The pitfalls of flagrant self-indulgence crashing into moral self-destruction. Then, ensuing detox, where one’s desire for the thrill of the endless, toxic chase of that elusive “high” finds one literally crashing and burning. At the core of all this is a maddening search for something more to find meaning and purpose in one's life.
The idea and concept a lot of this discontent is brought on by the corruption and decay spiritually by late capitalism. That is where “New Dust” partly places the blame. It’s a thought-provoking idea to explore throughout one song; there is much to unpack. “New Dust” is a strong and memorable single because of it. The music captures the conflicts/pulls of rebelliousness against societal conformity.