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CHAFT is the brainchild of musician Derek Miller, who puts his personal flair into everything he does. A few months back, Miller sent us a single we loved—but “High” is an example of growth via practice.

Self-recording is difficult; seriously, this stuff is no joke, and creating multiple bodies of work by yourself deserves kudos since it takes so much perseverance and mental agility.

However, the real reason “High” and CHAFT stand out is the layer of soul seeped into every note. Miller loves what he’s doing and isn’t in the game to get rich and famous. Of course, that would be a nice perk for any aspiring musician.

Rather, his drive and self-motivation curate a unique, almost indescribable soundscape. Unlike the last single, “High” leans more towards psychedelic energy. However, it would be unfair to the single to box it into just one genre. It could cross many borderlines, as the instrumentation and lyricism are profound.

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