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With the pop-punk renaissance in full swing, we need Like Roses; their expert craftsmanship and creative assets are essential to keeping a genre afloat several decades after its first big boom. “Broken Things (Lie To Me) was an intelligent drop for many reasons. Namely, it perfectly showcases the group’s musical ability while proving their prowess as songwriters.

“Broken Things (Lie To Me)” features excellent production tactics, a crispy lead synthesizer over heavily distorted guitars, and gritty power vocals.

Emotive lyricism seems to rule the day in the pop-punk revival. It is less bitter, yet still a little sassy, compared to what has been heard before. “Broken Things (Lie To Me)” veers towards the pessimistic side of things but still leaves room for a healthy hint of optimism.

Like Roses proves that there is plenty of room at the top. There is no shortage of great pop-punk bands; however, Like Roses will not have to fight for their spotlight. Instead, their music alone can do all the talking, especially with great releases like “Broken Things (Lie To Me)” at the forefront of their discography.

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