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Ladytron’s follow-up to their eponymous album brings renewed energy and joy to their iconic sound. Time’s Arrow is the most fun I’ve had with a Ladytron album and I cannot wait to hear these tracks live.

The album kicks off with three singles: “City of Angels”, “Faces”, and “Misery Remember Me”. All are excellent, and if you’re a fan of the band these tracks have been in your rotation for the last few months. “City of Angels” is an up-tempo introduction that’s hard not to dance along to. “Faces” doesn’t let up and layers in more of the ethereal sound Ladytron is known for. “Misery Remember Me” is the crescendo of the album’s introduction, it fills your ears with airy synths and Helen Marnie’s poignant lyrics.

“Flight From Angkor” features Mira Aroyo’s vocals and represents a major shift in the album’s style, reminiscent of “True Mathematics” and “Cease 2 Exist” from Light and Magic. It’s a welcome departure that fans of Mira’s tracks will surely love with synth riffs that go harder than any Ladytron track in recent memory. “We Never Went Away” continues the departure in tone with a slower track that doesn’t quite mesh with the rest of the album.

“The Night” is my favorite track on Time’s Arrow and has quickly become one of my favorite Ladytron songs ever. It begs to be played in a club and oozes attitude. It feels most similar to some of Helen Marnie’s poppy solo work with an edge that’s distinctly Ladytron.

“The Dreamers” is similarly reminiscent of Marnie’s solo work but her more ethereal tracks like “Submariner” and “A Girl Walks Home at Night”. That’s not to say the track is missing Ladytron’s signature synth work and vocal effects, it carries those in spades. “Sargasso Sea” is one of the more interesting tracks on the album with some natural sounds and minimalist vocals.

The last two tracks, “California” and “Time’s Arrow” close things out in very different ways. “California” answers the question, “What if Ladytron made a classic rock song?” and it’s delightful. There are hints of Boston, Rush, and Bob Dylan in a track that is still very Ladytron. It’s thrilling to hear the band try new things with their sound and this is sure to be a new favorite for fans.

Time’s Arrow was described by Helen Marnie in a recent interview as Mira Aroyo’s take on a Bond theme in a Blade Runner-like alternate future. The song’s grandeur is unmistakable and is another example of the band flexing their creative muscles in new directions. Both songs leave fans wanting more and show that after more than two decades of making music together, Ladytron can still surprise and delight fans with something truly new.

Purchase the new album by clicking HERE!
Ladytron will be performing at Just Like Heaven on May 13 in Pasadena, CA. For tickets, click HERE!